Though your garden plot might be winding down for the season (like mine at the community garden plot), this could be the time to catch up on your sustainability reading or reliving some of the joys of gardening. Destination Books has several new books at its Alibris online store for sale at reduced prices and a few older used books.
Here's a list of the available new books:
Grassroots Rising by Ronnie Cummins ($5 plus S & H)
The Worm Farmer's Handbook by Rhonda Sherman ($20 plus S & H) SOLD!
The Permaculture City by Toby Hemenway ($15 plus S & H)
Slow Gardening by Felder Rushing ($13 plus S & H)
Lazy Ass Gardening by Robert Kourik ($24 plus S & H)
Here's a list of the available used books
Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher with a new forward by Bill McKibben ($6 plus S & H)
The English Cottage Garden by Jane Taylor and Andrew Lawson ($12 plus S & H)
The Herbal Tea Garden: Planning, Planting, Harvesting & Brewing by Marietta Marshall Marein ($5 plus S & H)
Bringing a Garden to Life by Carol Williams($5 plus S & H)
Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are the Keys to Sustainability by David Owen ($5 plus S & H)
Note: When purchasing a books from the independent seller (like Destination: Books Alibris store) and putting them in your cart you can expect discounted shipping for each additional item your purchase when it goes to the same address.