I am taking a brief respite from my own gardening toil-in-the-soil activities to set up the Destination: Books pop-up stall at the Freedom Farmers Market at the Carter Center on Saturday morning, April 30th.
Gardening-wise, this is my fourth year "curating" a small 9' by 8' plot at the Scott Community Garden in downtown Decatur. The status report so far:
-- The snow peas are looking good.
-- The carrots look good above ground, but below the surface they have the length and circumference of a toothpick.
-- The eggplants are in, and I have planted radishes alongside them to attract some of the same pests that chomp on eggplants. Fortunately, I have good luck in this space in the past growing the slender Oriental variety. If only I can keep them healthy enough to get some real foliage.
My biggest concern is always tomatoes. You think it's just summer and they will grow automatically, but I find them a challenge with poor production or the appearance of the dreaded Blossom End Rot (BER). This spring I have been reading Epic Tomatoes: How to Select & Grow the Best Varieties of All Time by Craig LeHoullier. Not only does it include tips on controlling cutworms, proper staking, and a history/comparison of the many varieties, but there are many large, colorful pictures. I am thinking about cutting the pictures out and putting little signs near my Cherokee Purples and Big Boys to inspire them.
Here's a sampling of some of the books that you can expect to see at the next Freedom Farmers Market. And you have my word that none of the books will have the pages torn out.