Tomorrow (April 29th) we wrap up our busiest pop-up month ever at Destination Books with a much awaited (by us) return to the Freedom Farmers Market at the Carter Center. We say "much awaited" because we were rained out twice earlier this year. The forecast for Saturday is sunny and clear.
We also endured a muddy (or lush) Wylde Center Plant Festival in mid-April and our first pop-up in a wind tunnel at the Avondale Estates Earth Day celebration. But in reality, popup booksellers complaining about weather is like plumbers complaining about shit. We know it goes with the territory.
Still, we managed to sell some books on gardening and sustainability, but we also enjoy the interesting exchanges with those who stop by. There is nothing like a variety of books ranging from pawpaws to Timothy Snyder's pocket-sized book On Tyranny—which in a broad sense is a guide to sustainability—to stimulate conversation.
See you soon.