The pressure to get all the book shopping, wrapping, cooking and entertaining done over the holidays is tremendous. Try these time savers to relieve some of that yuletide anxiety:
- Place gifts in boxes and then spray paint them instead of wrap them. Be sure and avoid an open flame, i.e., fireplace, candle.
- Look
for discarded end-of-the-year newsletter near the office copier or in the
recycle bin at your neighborhood copy center. This can easily be repurposed
as your own communiqué. Don’t worry if your annual yuletide biography
doesn’t match up. No one reads them that close anyway.
- Shorten holiday cooking time, by foregoing constant washing of your hands while preparing the feast. Take enough shortcuts and it’s doubtful you’ll be asked to host next year’s celebration.
- In gift exchange settings, instead of choosing names for gifts, chose a single place where ALL the gifts must be purchased. Make it more creative (and easier) by limiting the designated retailer to the neighborhood convenience store or perhaps, a hospital gift shop.
- Before
watching a holiday movie, fast forward it to the dénouement. For example,
in It’s a Wonderful(ly Dull) Life began
watching at the point where George Baxter (Jimmy Stewart) receives the best Christmas gift ever – lots of
tax free cash.