Here are your on-ramps for literary discourse during the month of April in the Atlanta area:
The Auburn Avenue Research Library is hosting many events this month ranging from a signing and reading of acclaimed journalist and civil rights icon Charlyne Hunter-Gault's To the Mountaintop: My Journey through the Civil Rights Movement ( Monday, April 2nd) to Langston Out Loud: Celebrating the Power of Langston Hughes' Poetry in the Modern World (Saturday, April 21st).
Lauren Groff, author of the novel Arcadia will be at the Savannah College of Art and Design's Ivy Hall on Tuesday, April 3. Stephen King, Lorrie Moore and Richard Russo have all praised Groff's fiction. Groff is part of this spring's SCAD Ivy Hall Writer Series. Andre Dubus III will be there April 12th. Admission ($$) is charged.
On Wednesday, April 11th, Winston Groom, author of Shiloh 1862, (and Forrest Gump) will read and sign books at the Carter Presidential Library & Museum Theater. Other authors in the month of April include syndicated columnist Rheta Grimsley Johnson, author of the memoir Hank Hung the Moon...and Warmed Our Cold, Cold Hearts appears at the library on April 30th.
On Wednesday, April 18th Kevin Wilson author of the novel The Family Fang and the book of short stories Tunneling to the Center of the Earth (he was at the Decatur Book Festival a couple of years ago) will be at the Decatur Public Library. Wilson's appearance is just one of authors appearing locally via the Georgia Center of the Book. Austin Kleon author of Steal Like and Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative appears at the library on Wednesday, April 11th.
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