Finished up 2014 with a flurry of book activity. Went to New York for Christmas and then stayed on a couple days to do some book shopping. Revisited 192 Books and this time my book-loving partner Denise was able to come with me. Picked up another map-related book, Mapping It Out: An Alternative Atlas of Contemporary Cartographies edited by Hans Ulrich Obrist. (I think bookstore owners pull them out when they see me coming.)
Did some book shopping at the famous Strand Books. It was hectic there with people having gift money to burn. (I only managed to buy a calendar.) Much easier for me to browse at a place like 192 Books, where at the Strand I become overloaded. (I didn't prepare a shopping list). Besides always concerned about making weight on the plane ride back to Atlanta.
On Christmas night, ate at The Cornelia Street Cafe in the Village, which is a restaurant with a small literary venue that hosts readings etc.. On Friday (1/2/15) they are hosting a reading of Charles Bukowski. Why not pose with him? Should "reading more Bukowski" be a New Year's Resolution? (Bukowski Photo Credit: Lizzie Casey)
More Dillion
Still following up from my reading of Brian Dillion's Objects in This Mirror. Edited my review and posted it on Amazon. (I like promoting the relatively unknown, especially when I am the first reviewer). Ordered the book for my daughter Cynthia in Germany. Able to forgo the Amazon route by ordering directly from the German publisher (Sternberg) who lives right down the street from her in Berlin. How often do you get to say "Sprechen Sie Englisch?"
In the final chapter of the Dillion book he writes about the essays of David Foster Wallace, who is the most respected contemporary writer who I have not read, until now. A work colleague loaned me a copy of his nonfiction pieces, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (1997), which I read while traveling this past week. His two long pieces on the Illinois State Fair and Taking a 7-night Carribbean Cruise are classics (full of footnotes and offsides) and have me interested in reading more of him, but Infinite Jest (1996) is such a huge book.
More Bookmaking
My other daughter Bonnie gave me a deluxe, presentation binding machine suitable for making books out of discarded beer cartons (see last posting). Also am finishing up writing a new book, which will be available in 2015. It's a resolution I plan on keeping.