As many as you may know, when I am not shopping for books, I am selling books. It is a blurry line because I often shop for books to sell. Sometimes what I read is determined by what I am interested in carrying for my popup book operation Destination: Books, but I can say that I never read a book that I don't want to read. Life is too short to do that and there is just so much other good material and writers out there that I'd rather seek out.
Even though Destination: Books is a popup and online bookshop and not a bricks-and-mortar store, it is still an independent bookseller and a member of the American Bookseller Association. D:B is an affiliate and a beneficiary of the program. ( is a collaboration between the ABA and the book wholesaler Ingram.)
For every new book purchased through the portal, money eventually is shared to hundreds of independent bookstore affiliates. If you purchase any new book through my specific Destination: Books portal, the store receives an additional commission.
Check out our Destination: Books bookshopper-themed portal. It lists some of the books I have written about in the bookshopper blog or ones we have recently enjoyed. Furthermore is offering free shipping on book orders until Monday midnight, November 28, 2022.
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